Trip to Malawi!

I wish I had a photographic memory that would take pictures so I could show other people what I saw!!! The drive was absolutely fascinating and beautiful! However, speeding along did not produce many of the pictures I wish I could show! There were hundreds of little houses in villages. Many of those houses were built like the one pictured above. The roofs were all grass roofs like the one in the picture but the sides were either built of grass, sticks or bricks...just like I envision The Three Little Pigs!! I know the people simply use what is available to them but it made me think of President's Nelson's talk when he said, "Whenever any kind of upheaval occurs in your life, the safest place to be spiritually is living inside your temple covenants!" Pictures are a bit blurry. They were all taken in motion. But you can get an idea of what we saw. Lots of road side stands; lots of people walking; lots of huts. Occasionally, we would see a sign for a school or a hospi...