9425 Miles from Home


And we’re off!! For an adventure we never dreamed of! Every emotion possible has come into play the past few days but with faith in the Lord we are willing to serve where he has called us to go….Lusaka, Zambia!

The flight was incredibly long; 33 hours! We were so happy to arrive at our destination with all of our luggage!

This is Doha, Qatar. It was 10:00 pm when we landed here. We thought it was  interesting that even though the streets were all very well lit, we could not see even one car!! Maybe no one goes out at night??

The airport was very clean and modern. Signs claimed this to be the best airport in the world. 

We were really happy to see that all of our luggage arrived with us!

Once we arrived in Lusaka, Elder and Sister Hales, greeted us at the airport and immediately started training us. So much to learn in just 10 short days. However, the best intentions couldn’t prevent the weary travelers from nodding off so they took us to our flat and we fell asleep faster than ever before! We had been awake for 3 days and two nights (minus a restless catnap occasionally on the plane).We slept for 12 hours straight!!


  1. So glad you made it and with all your luggage! That is such a long flight.


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