
We were initiated into church really fast!  Last night at about 8:00 PM, we received a call asking us to speak in church the next morning!!  So much for preparing! Not only that but we learned that no one in the two different wards that we would be attending plays the piano. We were told that they try to sing a cappella and they do so very poorly!! Slow and off key!! So guess who played the piano in both wards we attended today? To say the least, I was a bit nervous because I have not sat down to a piano in at least two years! Miracles happen because I was able to play all of the hymns that had previously been chosen. At first, I would have to wait at the end of each line for the congregation to catch up. By the second and third verses we were all together! πŸ˜€

The people who spoke and those giving lessons, as well as those who made comments have strong testimonies! I especially enjoyed those who spoke of and related experiences in their lives about the importance of the temple.  The temple is about 900 miles from their home so I can only imagine the sacrifices they have to make to go there!

Paying tithing and attending church needs to improve dramatically before a temple can be build closer.


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