

I won’t ever complain about laundry again!! 

A few days ago Hal asked what he could use to get the ring around the collar out. I suggested that he use some dish soap. Worked well for me back home. Well, bad suggestion or maybe just bad soap!! It turned his collars green!! Obviously not Palmolive!


Today while I was trying to get a little washing done with a washer that holds next to nothing in quantity and it leaks; and the dryer gets so hot I worry about everything shrinking to nothing, I saw this lady out the back window! She was bent over scrubbing for a long time!! She dries her clothes on overhead wires…but not the electric fence, of course!

Even though our appliances are in separate rooms, I’m just grateful we have them!!

We have life so easy! We are so blessed!

Like I said, I’ll never complain again!! 


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