Police Station
Elder Phelps needed to have the name changed on the account for the phone company, Airtel. It had been in Elder Hales name but since he left it needed to be changed to Elder Phelps. The people at Airtel said that it required an affidavit from the police station along with his passport. So Elder Phelps had quite the adventure going to the police station. It was a 15 minute drive:
He went through some trees. Soon the broken up road started to get more narrow. There were big chucks of asphalt missing and large holes. He thought, "No way is there a police station here!"
Soon there were no houses...just trees. He kept creeping along since the road was so bad and eventually the road ended!! That is when he saw the sign that said, "POLICE" with an arrow pointing the direction!
Elder Phelps went through a grassy area where he passed an old broken down van with missing tires.
Then he came to a shack, thinking that maybe someone lived there. He was a little nervous about getting out of the truck. When the Stake President set us apart he said that Elder Phelps would be able to discern danger. Even though he was a little nervous, he wasn't fearful.
He walked to a door and just inside was a motor from some vehicle and called out, "Is this a police station?"
"Yes!" someone called out.
He entered into a room measuring about eight feet by eight feet. It had a desk and an old bench seat from a car. Not much room for walking around!
Elder Phelps said, "I thought it [the police station] would be a nice building with officers wearing uniforms!" Nope!!
The man at the desk rummaged through stacks of paper for 3-5 minutes, looking for something. Finally he pulled up a jump drive and then said, "We need to go over here." It was quite a little ways away so the officer and Hal got into the truck and Hal drove about a kilometer to another little shack. These people had a copy machine.
The affidavit was filled out and the officer put a stamp on it! Zambians LOVE their stamps! Every where you go they want to put a stamp on a receipt, ticket, invoice, etc. etc.!
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