
 We've noticed a wide variety of merchandise that includes "ZAM..." We wondered if they are simply extremely proud of their country or they don't have a lot of imagination. I would like to think they are proud of their country. Here are a few:

Naturally being in a warm climate, we have to keep the flour in the refrigerator. I'm not sure how the people would keep good and clean food storage.

All juice is actually a juice blend and not very tasty.
Notice the "Full Cream." There is no such thing as 2% milk or 1% but you can purchase "fermented milk."

The bread here is delicious and very affordable. A loaf of bread costs less than $1. But don't buy anything from the deli! Hal finally succumbed to the fact that he will not buy any more from the deli. He tried a Red Velvet Cake that tasted like cardboard. Actually, I don't think they use much sugar in their cooking...which is not all bad. We tried a couple of salads and they were simply awful! We couldn't eat them at all!


Lip balm anyone?  Zamtel is just one of many phone companies here. There will be another post about phone companies (talk about corruption)!

The sign reads, "Zamfresh." Not really sure what this billboard is maybe? K1000 is about $58. That would be a really good wage for the people here.

Anyway, can you tell what I do while in the car?  Yep, take pictures!


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