Victoria Falls


We had the opportunity to go see one of the Seven Wonders of the World: Victoria Falls. Don't let this sign deceive you, however. The top arrow is really not one of the Seven Wonders but the name of the person who founded the town of Livingstone, Zambia, where Victoria Falls is located.


Words cannot really express the power and majesty of this amazing piece of God's creations.  The falls drop 350 feet (that is twice the fall of Niagara Falls). The splash from the falls is so significant that it rains constantly near the falls, making in a true rain forest. The falls stretch for about one mile across the top. 


You can’t actually see the bottom of the falls because of the thick mist and rain.

We walked down a path made made of flat rock. There were a few places that allowed for viewing the falls more clearly.  At one point a bridge spanned the gorge below.. It was a very sturdy bridge (no sway) with side rails (more like a fence) to hang onto. And the only way to cross is to not turn OR LOOK either to the right or to the left!! I guess we didn’t get a picture of that bridge because it was raining so hard and the phones were getting quite wet!!!


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