Handover Ceremony #2

I know some of these pictures are repeat pictures but I wanted to be able to see before and after side by side. A few weeks ago we drove around with Elder and Sister Pease and visited a site where the church was helping the community with a school project. This particular project consisted of 5 Classroom blocks and flushing toilets. They also helped to repair a roof that had been damaged by wind earlier.
This school has up to 5000 students (they are called "learners" here) from 15 villages. The average size class now stands at about 150 students per class. That is elementary and secondary schools. It is almost impossible to imagine how first or second graders can learn anything with that kind of ratio!!! They have to hold three sessions a day...morning, afternoon, and evening.
Obviously the need here was great. With that many children in a classroom, students were collapsing on a daily basis. The sun is hotter here, being closer to the equator.
Some of the younger children, probably 1st or 2nd graders, sang an original song in gratitude to the Church. The only words I could understand were, "we cherish you." It was pretty sweet!.
The students put on a couple of performances that are always quite entertaining! They were dancing on the rocks with bare feet!!!
One of the dignitaries in attendance was the Minister of Education. He is like the Vice President of Zambia. The Minister of Education walked out and got closer to all the children and was telling them about being obedient. He had them quite engaged with repeating words back to him. Then he took a very young little girl by the hand and walked with her back and forth across the yard, talking about how this little girl could become anything she wanted to become with education.
The government of Zambia has made education free but they do not have the teachers or the facilities to teach all the children! The government needs to step up and keep the commitments they have given to the people and not just rely on the generosity of organizations like the church.
This performance was put on by the school’s cheerleading team. Maybe here it would be their drill team. This one was well done. Pretty cute!
I love this picture!! They are all so happy and smiling and of course they watch us like hawks! They get these cute little grins on their face if we wave to them first and then they go all out with big arm waves!!! The kids LOVE to have their picture taken!!!
The church has already committed to help build 9 more classrooms here. It never ceases to amaze me at how much the Church helps others. This is accomplished through tithes and offerings made by faithful latter day saints. Thanks to each of you for helping to make these things possible!
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