Families Uniting on the Covenant Path
Amos joined the church a few months ago but the language barrier prevented his wife Carol in understanding the things she needed to understand. Through diligent reading from the Book of Mormon, a patient and supportive husband, and additional lessons with the missionaries, Carol finally felt ready. They have been consistent in coming to church every Sunday for many months!
It is common for the people here to read English very well. They have a hard time articulating their sentences though. Carol had written down her testimony and when she read it you would not have guessed that she has a hard time understanding English. It was beautiful!
Their cute little boy's name is Wisdom.
Nancy is a sister to Augustine, a member of the ward we attend. She is very quiet, but when she bore her testimony after the baptism you could tell she was sincere and loved the choice she had made.
Elder Wantoe and Elder Mutambo have been the missionaries teaching Nancy and Carol, most recently.
Caroline is the wife of a counselor in the bishopric. She had gone through multiple sets of missionaries but would never commit to baptism until the current missionaries, Elder Taylor and Elder Fronk, brought up the topic of eternal families. When they taught her about being sealed to her family so she could be with them for eternity that became her turning point. Brother Piyola couldn't quit smiling ear to ear on Sunday, he was SO happy!
Bearing your testimony after your baptism and sometimes being called upon even in church spur of the moment is a common practice. I like it...as long as it is not me! LOL!
Elder Fronk was transferred the day before the baptism. He was sad about that!!
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