Since we first arrived, one of the fascinating things we have seen is what people carry on their heads! This woman is carrying peanuts and those baskets are full and very heavy!!!!
Oranges. They have a satuma kind of orange that is absolutely delicious! Other oranges have seeds in them. So if we buy them from of the street vendors we have learned to identify which orange they are selling. They sell them for about 5 kwacha each...that's about 31 cents each.
At first they are a little shy but they giggle a little bit, then oblige us. These two ladies even let us try to lift their baskets. They are definitely stronger than I am!
Women mostly carry things on their heads but once in awhile we see men doing it too. Not a bad idea to keep the sun off of your head!
I think in this bucket is what they call "fritters." They are fried balls of bread dough. One day our Bishop's wife brought some for us to try and they were pretty good!
I got a little tricky when taking this picture. If you can't tell it was taken through the side mirror of our truck. She has oranges in her basket.
Here are a couple of kids. Baskets are one thing, but buckets??

This looks like heads of cabbage and loads of sticks.
Laundry, maybe. In this picture you can see a hat like thingy (have no idea what it's called) on the head, under the basket. I asked on sister and she told me that they will use these just for comfort and not necessarily to help with balance.
More oranges. Oranges are as plentiful as bananas here.
Some things are in disguise. I have no idea what they are carrying.
This is a bad picture but many, many ladies carry baskets with bananas in them!! Bananas are very plentiful but there are different varieties, some are shorter than other and taste differently.
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