Social Media
Social media is a huge way the missionaries contact new friends! Remember this is a walled, gated and locked city. So there is no door to door tracking. Missionaries will often greet people on the street. However, there is a big push for members creating and posting on Social Media. The missionaries often help the members create posts. Maybe you have seen Facebook posts from places that say, “Come Unto Christ in (name of place).” Well it is the same here. The ad says, Come Unto Christ in Lusaka.”
When we were taking Sister Day to the airport to go home, she related to us an impressionable experience she had had recently through social media. The Sister’s had contacted this man because he had “liked” a page he had seen on Facebook. He wrote the following to Sister Day: "Evening, you already know my name....I first came across the information about the Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Facebook, on a page called "Come unto Christ".
To be honest, I wasn't sure of whether I would continue in the church or not, having investigated several churches since the time I was old enough to decide my own faith, and most were unappealing to me. However the missionaries who reached out to me, did not force me into believing that the church is true, nor did they condemn my previous beliefs, but they told me about the love of Jesus and the plan of salvation and emphasized that I pray and let the Holy Spirit lead me.
There constant encouragement and patience with me was of great help as I learnt a lot from the lessons with them and interactions with other members of the church to the extent that not only did I feel the change but everyone around me noticed it. Some people even said my physical appearance began to change(lol), but all this change happened during the short period of time I started going to church.
Today I'm baptized and I'm glad I am because I understand the blessings which come with the baptism and I wish I was a member of the church earlier. I look forward to every opportunity that our Heavenly father gives me to serve him as it is the least I can do to appreciate the great love he has shown to me by saving me.
Lastly I would like to thank the missionaries God assigned to me because they just knew how to handle someone complicated and unwilling and ready to argue anything about God because I thought I knew it all, but you wisdom in handling me made me realise that I know nothing, and thank you also for being such good friends during the short period I've known you, I enjoyed your company a lot.
God bless you guys."
We are so grateful to associate with these missionaries who help others Come Unto Christ!!
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