Quero's Story


Our very good friends, the Quero's were planning to go back to their homeland, the Philippines, for an extended visit (1-3 months). They had not been back since before Covid, so they were SO excited! Brother Quero was able to take a leave from his work. It took a few weeks for all the documents they needed to be collected. 

They left Lusaka on 5 October 2022 and flew by way of Johannesburg. They had plans of traveling to the Durbin Temple where all of the children could perform ordinance work and their oldest son, Keven was planning to take his Endowments. Brother Quero was also planning to check into a job opportunity there.

When they arrived in Johannesburg they were informed that they did not have the correct Immigration documents and were quickly ushered into a "holding area." No one would talk to them other than to tell them they needed to pay money. Immigration people eventually said they couldn't stay in South Africa and allowed them to book tickets to continue their trip to the Philippines, but the flight time came and went and no one let them go to board the plane. They confiscated all of their electronics (phones and computer), so they couldn't call anyone. They were held for two nights and they were very frightened!!!

One jailer did seem to have some empathy; they called him their angel. He told them to stay calm and to pray. He escorted Brother Quero to a place where he could buy some water.

Eventually, they were allowed to board a plane that came back to Lusaka. The pilot of the plane held their passports. They were not allowed to hold them. They were also told that they would not be allowed to rebook any flight on any airline until their fines had been paid, including the exorbitant price they charged them for their "stay" while in Johannesburg!

We were really surprised to see the Quero's at church on Sunday. When I asked what was happening, Sister Quero's was in tears and very visibly upset as she told me their experience. I said to her, "I think you should call President Mushala." He is in the Stake presidency and helps us here at the mission with immigration. 

Brother Quero and President Mushala went to the airport Monday morning to speak in person to the person in charge at RwandAir and figure out what going on. President Mushala was confident that a lot of illegal things had taken place!!!

Sure enough, ALL charges and fines were dropped. The lady who instigated the entire episode will likely lose her job (and rightfully so)! Still I do not think anyone should ever fly with RwandAir. 

Crazy! And very scary! 


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