Mission Tour - Elder Aidukiatus

Elder Aidukaitus, of the Seventy, and his wife, Louiza traveled the mission with President Moyo, 21-25 November 2022. They held Zone Conferences in Lilongwe, Malawi; Ndola, Zambia; and in Lusaka, Zambia. In each Zone he targeted a different area of focus. According to the AP's he was very inspired! To those in Malawi he focused on invited new friends through the people they are already baptizing. To those in the Copperbelt he focused on the doctrine of obedience; requirements needed to strengthen testimonies and the blessings that can come by doing so. To the Lusaka Zone he emphasized that we are not teaching enough and we are not taking advantage of those coming to us through social media! Only 27 of the 7000 who clicked on Come Unto Christ in Lusaka facebook adds were baptized. Aren't these two beautiful? Sister Houston and Sister Daud. Role playing and receiving amazing guidance by Elder Aidukiatus. He made it look SO easy to teach gospel principles in sim...