The Children

The Munali Ward Primary


A couple of weeks ago, Sister Peni  (Primary counselor) asked if I would come to Primary and help with the music. The piano itself was interesting because it was up on wheels so I couldn't sit and play, rather I had to stand and play. Not a problem, just different. I was grateful for the opportunity to help them!


The children were preparing to give their Sacrament Meeting Presentation.
Typical of many Primary Program, the rehearsals were quite chaotic. (The girl in the center is one of my piano students - Margaret)


Very few were in attendance the two weeks they practiced.


I have no idea what happened but the day of the program, the children showed up in droves!


I had no idea there were this many children even in the ward.


Sacrament meeting is always so quiet!! When I got to church ten minutes prior to the meeting starting,


the children were all sitting in the choir seats, being as reverent as could be!!


They all knew their parts. They sang the songs beautifully!



 I am convinced we witnessed a miracle! Elder Phelps said it was the best program he had ever seen! They are all so adorable!!


This was the plate of snacks the leaders gave all of the children after the program during Primary. LOL You should have seen the floor when they got done! But I was very glad they even had snacks...we never know here.

While in Primary, the leaders were trying to decide what to have the children sing during the ward's Christmas party. I suggested, "Away In A Manger." No one knew it!!! In fact, no one knew any of the Christmas songs in the Children's Songbook! The only song they all seemed to know was Jingle Bells. 


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