Ward Christmas Party

We attended two ward Christmas Parties but I only got pictures of one of them. Lots of fun and games where everyone got involved. Groups of people were asked to perform: These two sister missionaries have the most beautiful voices! I love to hear them sing!


Each organization was asked to participate. The Elder's quorum danced (left picture) and sang (right picture). The Bishop is the one on the far left of the group dancing. He is full of energy and really puts his whole heart and soul into everything he does! He is awesome!!


I took mostly videos of the dancing. These people LOVE to dance. Here the Young Women were performing.


Here the Primary children were dancing. They were all so cute! They certainly love to perform and they are not shy about it!

We had asked a lady from an entirely different ward to make a Santa suit for Hal. Other than the pants being a little too short, she did a pretty good job! She even bought a wig and made Santa's beard. (Side note: I will have to insert here that almost all women and girls either have their hair in very short dreadlocks or they wear wigs...not joking! It has proven quite challenging to identify the women because every week they look totally different!!)

Of course we will leave the Santa suit here for the next non-suspecting Ho Ho Ho!


Of course the highlight of the ward party was when Santa came! I don't really know if they see Santa much. The bishop made the comment to Hal about not knowing too many white people that could fill the role so that is why Hal was asked! He is pretty skinny, you know! But he did great! The little girl's name is Quinn.


This boy's name is Peter. He is always so polite and notices when something needs done...like turning the piano in Primary so I can see the children when I am playing it.
The two girls in the picture on the right are Faith and Margaret. They are showing me the treat Santa gave them (an apple and some candy).                                                               


This is Brian and Anna. Brian was baptized a few months ago and his wife will be getting baptized, probably in January. They are really great people and hardly ever miss coming to church!! They work so hard. Brian sells shoes. Their daughter joined the military so they are raising a granddaughter. I asked them if I could record them wishing my family Merry Christmas in their native language, Nyanja. If anyone would like to hear it, just ask me and I will send it to you. 


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