
Elder Phelps setting up a gas cookstove for the missionaries to use when they can not or choose not to use their electric stove. African missionaries tend to prefer the gas stoves. These are kind of a pain because the tanks of gas have to be refilled multiplied by a bunch of missionaries!! And that means more work for Elder Phelps or Zone Leaders (the only ones with vehicles). All of Zambia is on Power Load shedding mode. This means that a rotation happens throughout the country where the power will be shut off for certain lengths of time. From a news article the beginning of January: " Zambia will begin experiencing rotational load shedding as a result of a planned generator outage at Maamba Coal Thermal Power Plant for routine maintenance and a drastic reduction of water for electricity generation at the Kariba North Bank." So how are we dealing with no power from 8 to 12 hours everyday? That is right EIGHT to TWELVE hours of no power every day! This started 10 January 20...