"The Rains Came Down and the Floods Came Up..."
This morning the roads were flooded. A whole lot of water. A couple of days ago, Hal saw a vehicle that had fallen into one of the ditches. It is impossible to know where the ditch is along side of the road, so everyone was trying to drive in the middle!
How would you like to ride through all of this water on your bike...and stay dry?
The car in front of us was being really cautious and slow, but rightly so. The last couple of weeks the roads have become even worse with potholes than even before!! I'm sure the driver couldn't tell where the ditch was or the potholes!
There is a ditch there somewhere!
Now try to miss the ditch and enter the parking lot through the little entry ways!!
There was once a wall here. The rains had softened the dirt beneath and the wall finally crumbled and fell. Unfortunately, it fell into the house next door, broke windows and marred up the house pretty well. Fortunately, no one was hurt! The Landlord of the place where the office is rented was really nervous about the place being exposed like this. The electric fence surrounding the entire place is not functioning now. She wanted to beef up the security...instead of two guards, she wanted 4-6 guards watching, especially at night. Eventually, she was satisfied when it was decided to just run the generators all night so the outside lights stayed on since the power has been off.
You can see the broken wall on the far left of the picture. The tree stump in this picture was where the tree burned a few months ago. Pictures never do justice to the extent of the rain. This is from my office window. You could hardly see to the road and the rain puddled up the yard below quite fast.
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