A Baptism
Emmanuel Banda has been investigating the church for over a year. He has gone through quite a few sets of missionaries. There have been challenges teaching him because he does not speak English very well, but his testimony is genuine.
Sister Johnson and Sister Manning would meet Emmanuel at the mission office and invite me to sit in on the lessons. That has been a real treat!
Later, Sister Soko and Sister Johnson continued to teach him. I always was impressed when a scripture was brought up that Emmanuel was impressed with. He would hurry and put a piece of paper in the Book of Mormon, marking the place.
One in particular was when he met with the missionaries shortly after his father passed away. The scripture that brought him a lot of comfort was Alma 40:11 “… as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.” He really liked that verse and was anxious to share it with the rest of his family.
Sometimes when Emmanuel comes to the office I will ask him what he has read in the Book of Mormon recently. He always can tell me something and he is right on!

Finally, Emmanuel was baptized. Since he doesn’t know many people in the ward (he is quite shy), he asked Elder Phelps to perform the baptism!
A newly baptized person is generally invited to bear their testimony after the baptism. Emmanuel said that no one invited him to come to church, he was just passing by and wanted to come in. Some missionaries there told him he was welcome to come in, so he did. Brother Piyola (bishopric counselor) said, “Someone did invite you. It was the Holy Ghost.” I thought that was a beautiful way to put it.
As is customary, his confirmation was planned for the following week but he didn’t show up!! We were concerned but when we saw him a few days later he promised he would come!
We took him to a store and bought him a white shirt and tie. I let him choose the tie. Of course he wanted my least favorite one which was pink but he looked pretty sharp in it nevertheless.
The Bishop did the confirmation.
I hope he can make some good friends in the ward and people will fellowship him. So important!!
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