Quentin L. Cook
Quentin L. Cook came to Lusaka on 22 February 2023 where he held a member devotional and a missionary conference.
The missionaries have been busy contacting people and distributing 10,000 of these little cards inviting as many people as they could.
Emmanuel was at least one of the ones that walked for 1 1/2 hours to come to this meeting!!
It was a full house but not as many as was hoped. Some one told us there was about 500 in attendance but it was hoped there would have been 1000 or more. This picture was taken after the devotional. One thing I really enjoy about these people is how they love being together...all smiles and hugs! They tend to linger longer even when there is no Linger Longer! Besides, the Spirit was so strong I simply think no one wanted it to end!!
Less than five minutes before the meeting was suppose to begin, President Lumbama came from the stand down to Hal and I and asked if I would please come and play the piano for the meeting!! Oh my! All eyes watched, including Elder and Sister Cook, as I walked from the back all the way to the front and sat at the piano. There was a microphone attached to the speaker system so the piano could be heard throughout the building. I had no idea what the songs were that I was supposed to play until they were announced! Talk about out of the comfort zone!!!
The meeting was wonderful of course!
Elder Cook talked about Joseph Smith and about gaining our own testimonies.
He spoke of how the Book of Mormon is a volume of scripture.
Hal wrote in his notes, "A Professor of ancient history came to the mission office while Elder Cook was on his mission and said that he had read the Book of Mormon and recognized that it was true because it contained the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians and the phrase "And it came to pass" was one of the evidences that it was truly written by a people who understood that language."
Elder Cook spoke about the Word of Wisdom; that truth is declared by Prophets prior to science discoveries. He mentioned family centered, church supported curriculum, the proper name of the church, gathering Israel on both sides of the veil; how we worship Jesus Christ, not the Apostles and prophets, though they are respected.
As he left the chapel, the choir conductor asked if I would play, "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet," while everyone sang.

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