Ten for Ten
What a week! We said farewell to some amazing, wonderful missionaries this week: Elder LeBaron (Utah), Elder Kent (Utah), Elder Juhasz (Washington), Elder Vilane (Eswatini), Elder Djanie (Ghana), Sister Johnson (Nampa, Idaho), Sister Wilkinson, (Utah), Sister Graff (Arizona), Sister Hatch (Idaho Falls, Idaho), and Sister Mangena (Zimbabwe).
What memories we have made with all of them! They will be a light wherever they go...
Sister Johnson can sing!!! Wow!! She is always so happy and bubbly! And Sister Mangena has an amazing testimony. The only member of the church from her family and pretty much disowned is now seeing receptiveness and welcoming arms home. So grateful for all we have learned from her!!
Another bubbly bubble!! Sister Wilkinson always can see the good in all situations and has a knack for pulling out gospel lessons from things she sees on a daily basis!
Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of all of the out going missionaries. It was only a little bit busy here the past couple of days!!!
One last gathering at the mission office before they all part ways. The three on the left are returning home and the two powerful sisters on the right (Sister Porter and Sister Soko) are doing an amazing job at filling shoes left behind.
Two missionaries went home for medical reasons. We caught Elder Gareta packing so he was not in missionary attire. He is very considerate and thoughtful. In fact, he was the only one that wished me a Happy Women's Day when the day was celebrated a couple of weeks ago. I told him that and he was right proud of himself!!! :)
Elder Garanganga asked if we would take him out to lunch before he left. He is always hungry and definitely not shy to ask for something!! He worked here in the office for many months, helping with the finances. He was one that came to our home often for meals too. He is a pretty big tease and I learned to take most things he said with a grain of salt. Hahaha!!!
A last photo op at church with companions and roommates!
And yes, it is a thing for the sisters to buy matching clothes! Clothing is cheap off the streets. These skirts probably only cost about $5 or less.

Like I said, missionaries love to eat!! The outgoing and incoming missionaries shared a meal on the veranda here at the mission office.
A couple of weeks ago, I received a email from a new person in our ward in Groveland. They had just purchased a house and had recently moved in. They happened to notice on the bulletin at church about us serving in Zambia. Their nephew, Elder Salin (California), was headed our way. So we welcomed him along with Elder Watts (Twin Falls, Idaho).
Sister Maodzwa (Zimbabwe) and Sister Decker (Colorado).
Sister Mylie (South Africa), Elder Mubare (Zimbabwe), and Elder Sills (Utah).
The tenth missionary, Elder Malamulo (Malawi) went directly to a different town in his own country. We are seeing more and more missionaries serving in their own countries here. They don't have to get passports and visas so it costs less.
That about wraps up transfer movements for us. We will have three more missionaries come in before we say farewell ourselves. Associating with the missionaries was been our world and a highlight of our mission.
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