Lots of good-byes

Starphel made going away matching clothes for Hal and I. She did a nice job on choosing the fabric! She was simply beaming when she saw we wore them to church today! After speaking in one Sacrament meeting and bearing our testimonies (by invitation) in the other ward we took advantage of the one hour block and took lots of pictures. The Quero family...well, at least some of them. Brother Quero, Kevin and Lianah. Lianah is preparing paper work for going on a mission. Sister Quero and their other daughter, Shaniah, are still in the Philippines. Jennifer, one of my piano students who quit coming because of the conflict of time because of her school. Peter and Brenda (currently taking missionary lessons with their mother) and Margaret...another of my piano students who quit coming. Brother Lord and his family. They are stalwarts in the Lusaka Ward!! Always loved any and all comments they made in any meeting!! Former Stake President Lumbama and his family. President Lumbama wan...