Men of Valor

Mighty Men of Valour Men who are less concerned about being recognized than in being right. They are driven by conscience, not by a desire for credit. These four, Elder Ngcamphalala, Elder Norris, Elder Arnell, and Elder Miller represented the Lord in just that way...mighty men of valour. The best of the best! They will be missed for their examples and leadership! Elder Norris and Elder Miller were Assistants to the President when we first came to the mission. So in a sense they were our trainers. Some things that they shared with me while serving their mission: Elder Ngcamphalala said that coming to learn and understand the power of the Priesthood has had an impact on his life. One time he and his companion were asked to give a blessing to a lady who was going to the hospital to have a baby. The doctors had told her that there were problems and she would not be able to deliver the baby normally. After the Priesthood blessing she went to the hospital and there were NO complication...