Quentin L. Cook

Quentin L. Cook came to Lusaka on 22 February 2023 where he held a member devotional and a missionary conference. The missionaries have been busy contacting people and distributing 10,000 of these little cards inviting as many people as they could. Emmanuel was at least one of the ones that walked for 1 1/2 hours to come to this meeting!! It was a full house but not as many as was hoped. Some one told us there was about 500 in attendance but it was hoped there would have been 1000 or more. This picture was taken after the devotional. One thing I really enjoy about these people is how they love being together...all smiles and hugs! They tend to linger longer even when there is no Linger Longer! Besides, the Spirit was so strong I simply think no one wanted it to end!! Less than five minutes before the meeting was suppose to begin, President Lumbama came fro...