Last adventures

Certainly can't leave without a few more challenges. A couple of days ago I noticed a little water on the bathroom floor...nothing big...but I did mention it to Hal. Well, within a couple of days the water was becoming a little more serious so Hal put some buckets to catch the drips from the geezer outside, thinking it was the geezer that was leaking too much. When we woke up to water ALL over we decided it was more than just the geezer. Used towels to mop up the excess water but it was coming in almost as fast as I could keep wringing out towels. Oreen had asked if she could do some work for us so today was the day we had arranged for her to come and help me with some deep cleaning that I haven't been able to get to. I did not go to the office. She was a life saver! She helped with the water issues besides getting into corners and got the house clean so we will feel better about leaving. I didn't like asking her to clean because she already works too hard I believe. I i...